ABC: Brain Based Learning


Could we afford to squander what we currently know about the brain and how it learns?

The 90s was considered the decade of the brain. Progress was made in the knowledge about functioning. There are now two decades of information gathering. Today we have enough data, discoveries and knowledge that allows us to apply to educational practice. Much of what we say now, may not be true in the coming years as this is an area in full development and evolution. But there is enough evidence to take it into account!

Albert Einstein

Learning based on the brain suggests ways that our schools can be transformed into complete centers and learning organizations. School and Studying Learning are not synonymous. In some cases they are even antonyms.

This is not a new method. It consists of everything we now know about how it works and what is natural for our brains and how it impacted by circumstances and experiences, the educational system is applied. To the directors of schools this means: schedules, curriculum, methodology and discipline, in line with what is natural or good for our brains.

The human brain is designed to survive only. People, children, students, do what they have to do to survive. This is reflected in all areas: social, economic, physical, intellectual and emotional. If you need information or knowledge we acquire, if not relevant or important to discard it, or you do not pay attention. Students come with a survival-oriented school and is in the hands of educators create conditions for their brains to select the learning more relevant to their chances of survival equipment conditions.

Implemented, this paradigm invites us to: create the conditions to enable learning. Rather than sit and wait for parents to be better parents, or the kids want to do what the teachers tell them, it is up to educators to take action. This provides the opportunity to be responsible and change agents.


Enriching Environment: An environment that promotes learning provides the opportunity to go making sense of what is learned.

Children learn in an integrated manner, not learns to speak in one week, the next to tie shoes and then develops the emotional part. The nurturing environment is aimed at the many aspects of development simultaneously. The nurturing environment is one that allows the learner to relate what you learn to what you already know. The brain works by looking for connections between the new and the learned, this is a survival mechanism. To stimulate and challenge young people, we have to double or triple the stimulation provided to them. We learn through multisensory and complex environments.

Cooperative learning: The social brain is innately so learn best when given the opportunity to discuss what they have learned, to share ideas and produce a collaborative work. Contrary to the traditional system, you must enable and create possibilities for children and young people interact as they create their learning. Reduce formal, frontal instruction and increase movement and individualization of instruction.

Alternative Assessment: feedback on learning does not occur when scheduled only apply a formal evaluation or score qualifies if know or know information. Feedback is received through multiple variables. Let’s do this more consciously and varied process. Learning and different facets gradually occurs until finally assimilates and integrates and may apply. To do this, we must provide alternative assessment or measurement in the different facets of the acquisition of learning.


High test scores do not necessarily correlate with happiness,
productivity, good jobs, social contributions, loving relationships,
Personal Empowerment, good health and good parenting
Eric Jensen

As our children grow, they will reduce the number of brain cells are born with, but do not worry, we come into this world with enough brain cells. The most important is that as it grows, increases neuroplasticity, means that increase the connections between cells. The greater the exposure, or stimulation, increased connectivity and we all know what that means in this era of communication.

The brain’s capacity is greater than we imagine and we must not underestimate the ability of our children.


The brain is unique as a fingerprint, every brain, based on the experiences of people, and different variables to which a human being is exposed, generates its own connections between cells. This explains why, every brain responds to its own pace of learning and development. There are scientific studies that indicate that a difference of up to 3 years between learners is within the average and normal in expectations.

The requirements imposed on us by some educational systems, and generate anxieties in parents, are what may be influencing the learning process and evolution. Follow up with your child’s progress. Your best measure is Progresa? Then it’s fine.

Children learn in enriching environments: the brain needs multisensory interact with the environment. Children need activities, walks, exercise, exposure to different environments, projects, places, people, and not necessarily in ways structured .No underestimate the power you have as a significant person in your child’s learning. Take the instincts to play, cuddle, play, get dirty, read, tell stories, anecdotes, and sharing all of this helps, if not the most important for learning. Do not wait for school to fill all educational and learning needs of their children.

Emotions play an important role: we must become aware that emotions are involved in learning. All learning involves our body, emotions, attitudes and physical wellbeing. We must incorporate games, humor and personal attention. Most importantly, understand that everything we do and our reactions affect learning at all times.

Current education requires constant research and transformation, because in this 21st century economy demands better trained and educated professionals to face new challenges.

Eric Jensen is a former teacher with a real love of learning. He grew up in San Diego and attended public schools. While his academic background is in English and human development, he has a real love of educational neuroscience. For over 20 years, he has been connecting the research with practical classroom applications.

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