Gaining Learners’ Attention

Changing Learners’ Brains Positively: How Comparing Brain-compatible approaches as delivered differently from traditional/conventional classroom instructions.

Below is a table that highlights the pedagogy differences in traditional classroom management vs Brain-Based Learning approaches:



Hobson, J. A. (1994) The Chemistry of Consciousness: How the Brain Changes its Mind. Boston: Little, Brown.
Jensen, E.  (1997) Teaching with the Brain in Mind. San Diego: The Brain Store.
Jensen, E.  (2003) Tools for Engagement: Managing Emotional States for Learner Success (1st ed.). San Diego: The Brain Store.

Eric Jensen is a former teacher with a real love of learning. He grew up in San Diego and attended public schools. While his academic background is in English and human development, he has a real love of educational neuroscience. For over 20 years, he has been connecting the research with practical classroom applications.

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